Monday, January 7, 2008

Change or Experience: Which Quality Is More Important to You?

Illinois Senator Barack Obama argues that he is the presidential candidate for change. While New York Senator Hillary Clinton labels herself as the candidate with experience. If I had to choose one of the two qualities in a leader, I would choose change. There is a saying, that nothing in the world is constant but change. A person's ability to embrace change puts him or her ahead of those who buckle under pressure when presented with change.

Arguably, one could say that Senator Clinton's decision to give President Bush unfettered power to wage war against Iraq was an example of buckling under pressure, and thus an example where experience proved futile. In my opinion, she did not want to be labeled unpatriotic as was the unfair label given to Congresswoman Barbara Lee for voting against the war in Iraq and refusing to abdicate her power to the executive branch.

It is undisputed that both candidates are extremely intelligent people. Both have ivy league degress (which I guess shouldn't be the standard for intelligence when we have Presidents with such degrees who have proven themselves to be absolute idiots), and were extremely accomplished lawyers before deciding to enter the political arena. But it seems that Senator Clinton did not exercise her experience at a time when it was dire. Therefore, it seems that those with all the experience, especially George "Dubya" Bush are responsible for the present state of our country.

The United States has had twenty years of "experience" through both the Bush and Clinton White House (four years of Daddy Bush, eight years of Bill and eight years of Dubya) the ultimate result of which is extreme party-polarization, Iraq, No Child Left Behind and distant reminders of the whole Monica Lewinsky scandle and Bill's resulting impeachment. Enough is enough. I like Senator Clinton, but her failure to exercise good judgment at a time when it was crucial is telling. Anyone with experience and good judgment knows that you never give away your power. Such a decision is inconsistent with our system of checks and balances. Barack Obama can't do any worse than good ole' Dubya and Senator Clinton in all of their experience. So I vote for change.


Ann Brock said...

I love your blogging style. Straight and to the point. I found you by way of FN blog. I will answer that with change, We know all about that experience thing it don't all ways work.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.